Have questions? Check our frequently asked questions down below.

It isnt cumpulsory to get youself registered. Registration will allow you to participate in contest, giveaways and latest promotions through email. You can review your past purchase by getting yourself registered. Shipping address will be saved so it will safe your time.

You can place order as a guest or by getting yourself registered.Select the item from shop, select quantity and add them to cart. You may select the payment option and if you have any discount code then enter it as well

You can pay the fare by selecting cash on delivery, bank transfer, easy paisa,jazz cash or PayPal option.

You can return the product within 7 days after receiving. We can exchange orpay back the amount if you find anything change r any default in the product.Return shipment will be paid by the customer by himself.

Free shipping all over pakistan

Every order has its separate tracking number. Once order is dispatched
customer can demand tracking number.

Order time will depend on weight and city. If it is in main city then less than 1kg will be delivered on next day once it’s registered. Otherwise it will take 2-3working days after registration. If order traffic is high than order may take more time.

Our official partner will deliver the parcel on working days from 9am to 6pm


K2 food is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of K2 Food and K2 Food does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

If you won’t receive your order after 7 days of your order registration. Kindly contact us as soon as possible on given social media accounts

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